Author: Steven Vaughan

October 27, 2015 Steven Vaughan No comments exist

Everything new is on the rim of our view, in the darkness, below the horizon, so that nothing is new is visible but in the light of what we know. Z H Rahman

August 29, 2015 Steven Vaughan No comments exist

In this animation, Ray Dalio explains How The Economic Machine Works. He covers important points such as credit, interest rates, leveraging and Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List 2015 online Source: How the Economic Machine Works [Animation] by Ray Dalio Share this: LinkedIn

August 18, 2015 Steven Vaughan No comments exist

Being an economist is not essential to successful investing but having a belief about how the economy works is a great step. There are only a few things to understanding economists…..first, think about the economy as a front loading washing machine………………… More Then watch this must watch 30 minute video from Ray Dalio, a successful…

July 28, 2015 Steven Vaughan No comments exist

“…..……few (investors) are explicit and transparent as to the nature of these beliefs — i.e., how they believe markets operate, their definition of success in investment, and their assessment of the proper role of investors in the marketplace. Fund managers and trustees have an obligation to their beneficiaries to be as clear and explicit as…